Friday, January 27, 2012

Assignments for the Week of January 30-February 3

Assignments for January 30 – February 3, 2012

Monday, January 30                Literature:  Character Sketch on your role.
                                                Grammar:   Space Baby’s Bad Romance:  Part I
                                                Bring $8 for movie on Friday

Tuesday, January 31               Literature:  Memorize your lines
                                                Bring in costume garments
                                                Bring in props
                                                Grammar:  Space Baby’s Bad Romance: Part II
                                                Bring $8 for movie on Friday

Wednesday, February 1          Literature:  Memorize your lines
                                                Bring in costume garments
                                                Bring in props.
                                                Grammar:  Appositives

Thursday, February 2            Literature:  Memorize your lines
                                              Bring in costume garments
                                              Bring in props.

                                              Grammar:  Review sentences

Friday, February 3                 Literature:  Shakespeare Movie Review
                                              Grammar:  Review sentences/Study for test on Monday

Friday, January 20, 2012

Assignments for the Week of January 23-27

Assignments for January 23-27

Monday, January 23                Literature: Cast the play.
Grammar:  Diagram sentences using participial and gerund phrases. (Check your email.)

Tuesday, January 24                Literature:  Choose a character for your audition. Find a scene to use for your audition and learn it well enough to perform it.
Grammar:  Diagram sentences using infinitive phrases. (Check your email.)
RCG: Read “A Touch of Class” by Paul Fussell

Wednesday, January 25           Grammar:  Diagram sentences with infinitive phrases
RCG:  Re-read “A Touch of Class” and answer the following questions:

1.  Describe the “official myth of classlessness” that
Fussell attributes to America?

2.  In a Harris poll, 76% of the respondents said they wanted ___________ most.

3.  Which class does Fussell say has the most anxiety about their social ranking?

4.  In what area does the author believe “class envy” is most obvious?

5.  In what ways do the different classes refer to death?

6.  Fussell says that we find class rankings virtually everywhere.  Name four examples the author gives of class hierarchies in the United States?

7. Explain how the social class rankings inferred by various musical instruments.

8.  What is it about America in particular that inspires class ambition?

9.  Who is Paul Fussell?  What are his credentials for writing this article?

10.  Do you agree that the idea of a classless society a “utopian illusion?”  Do you believe humans are inherently classist or are we capable of creating a more egalitarian society?

Thursday, January 26              Literature:  Auditions for play.

                                               Grammar:  Diagram sentences with infinitive phrases.

Friday, January 27                   Literature:  Review of Shakespeare movie

Grammar:  Diagram sentences with participial, gerund and infinitive phrases.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Assignments for the Week of January 17-20

Assignments for Week of January17 – 20, 2012

Tuesday, January 17            RCG:
Read “Poor but Feeding the Rich” by Wayne Drash at

                                                Answer the following questions:
1.     Describe how the Bryants moved from middle class to poor?
2.     Why doesn’t Bryant joint the Occupy Atlant movement?
3.     What recently happened to make the family’s financial situation even more unstable?
4.     What city in the U. S. has the largest income gap between the rich and the poor?
5.     What is the national poverty line for a family of four?
6.     What financial advice does Andono offer?

Diagram sentences 1-10 on page 4 of your grammar book. (Participles and Participial Phrases)

Wednesday, January 18       Grammar:
Diagram sentences 1-10 on page 6 of your grammar book. (Gerund and Gerund Phrases)

Thursday, January 19          Grammar:
Diagram sentences 1-10 on page 8 of your grammar book. (Infinitive and Infinitive Phrases Used as Nouns)

Friday, January 20                RCG: 
Presentations on your gender research.  Include PSA.

Review of Shakespeare movie

Diagram sentences 1-10 on page 10 in your grammar book.  (Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases Used as Modifiers)

Grammar Log - Bring up-to-date version to class.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Assignments for the Week of January 9 – 13, 2012

Monday, January 9                  Literature:
Write a response to film version of Much Ado about Nothing.  Include the character you relate to most and describe why.

Read the article The Defining Issue of 2012” at
Write a response to the article.  Include any questions you have or parts you did not understand.

Tuesday, January 10                Literature:
                                                Write a 2-page report on the life of William Shakespeare.  Use 3 sources.

Complete exercises 1-5 on comma splices and fused sentences at
                                                Print out your score sheet and turn it in.

Wednesday, January 11            RCG:
                                                Read the article at
                                                Write a page describing Obama’s re-election strategy.  How does class factor into his strategy?

                                                Print out your score sheet and turn it in.           

Thursday, January 12               Grammar:
Complete grammar exercises to be assigned.

Friday, January 13                  Grammar:
Complete grammar exercises to be assigned.

                                                Turn in a review of a Shakespeare related film.

                                                      Answer the questions on the "Questioning Class" questionnaire. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Assignments for the week of January 3, 2012

Wednesday, January 4                        Grammar:
Sentence fragments exercises
                                                            P. 59, exercise 1
                                                            P. 60, exercise 2

                                                            Run-on sentence exercises
                                                            P. 61, exercise 3
                                                            P. 62, exercise 4

Sentence combining exercises
                                                            P. 63, exercise 5

Thursday, January 5                            Grammar:
                                                            Sentence combining exercises
                                                            P. 64, exercise 6
                                                            P. 65, exercise 7

                                                            Sentence revising exercises
                                                            P. 66, exercise 8
                                                            P. 68, exercise 9

Review of People Like Us

Friday, January 6                                Grammar:
                                                            Chapter review
                                                            P. 69, exercise A
                                                            P. 69, exercise B
                                                            P. 70, exercise C

                                                            Final story revision

                                                            Final research paper revision