Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Assignments for the Week of 27-31

Monday, August 27            Write a chapter from Julian's POV.

                                             Write your very own precept and describe what it means

Wednesday, August 29       Turn in first submission of your speech
                                                 1.  Introduce your precept.
                                                 2.  Tell a personal story that illustrates the precept.
                                                 3.  Connect the story (and the precept) to the kind of class you'd like.

Friday, August 31              Read Chapter one of The Secret Life of Bees twice
                                           Be prepared for a 5-question reading quiz.
                                           Write 3 points from the chapter you'd like to discuss in class.

                                              Current Events News Bowl!!!!!
                                              Send Martha 5 good questions (or hand them to her) by 8:15 am.
                                                  Republican National Convention
                                                  Hurricane Isaac
                                                  Campaign Financing
                                                  Election Issues

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