Friday, September 14, 2012

Assignments for the Week of Sept. 18-21

Tues., Sept. 18        Literature       Read Chapter 6 twice.
                                                       Prepare for quiz.
                                                       Bring in 3 points for discussion.

                                 RCG              Family history interview reports (continued)

Wed., Sept. 19          Literature      Read Chapter 7 twice.
                                                       Prepare for quiz.
                                                       Bring in 3 points for discussion.
                                  Precepts       Choose the 5 best precepts from the class or from Wonder.
                                                       Write a good paragraph explaining why each precept should be
                                                            included in the class's 2012 guiding document.

Thurs., Sept. 20  

Fri., Sept. 21             Literature     Read Chapter 8 twice.
                                                       Prepare for quiz.
                                                       Bring in 3 points for discussion.

Mon., Sept. 24          Precepts       Create a guiding document for the class.  Write an introduction and
                                                       a list of precepts that should be used to guide us through the year.
                                                       Choose the 3 most important precepts and write a paragraph
                                                       explaining why they are important to YOU and to the class.
                                                       Include a personal story that illustrates your reasons. 


1 comment:

  1. When is the precept assignment that you gave us today due?
